Merry Christmas everyone, our order books are closed until the new year. There's lots of lovely ready made items for you to buy, so spend, spend, spend. On books, candles and knitwear have a wonderful Christmas every one and thanks for your support.

Hello Monday

So My lovelies what have you been up to this weekend, 

I just seem to plod along all week but for some reason I feel as if I get more done on a Sunday than I do most other days, maybe its the mentality of I'm doing it because I want to and I don't have to or maybe because its just I feel more focused, I dunno, so yesterday saw me playing around with more  little crochet tops, finishing off other bits dragging out and working on a re purposed velvet jacket that I started around Christmas time, finishing off the edges to the pashminas I made last week,  still don't know whether to fringe them, bead them or just leave them... dilemma...


My Brain is buzzing madly at the moment with soo many things I have the urge to make, as summer is going to happen whether the weather be kind or foul I'm thinking about  knitted cotton  strappy tops with crochet hems and straps, and lined patchwork duster coats.... Just look at these yummy colours, super spring /summer vibes. And then of course I could add in matching lace short sleeved cardigans..Ooh the possibilities.

My desk looks like a bombs hit it, ribbons and laces all over without getting the beads out  note to self.....must tidy before I do anything!

The problem is just which do I work on first, do I put the jacket away for later on, do I bead the pashminas, do I work out a pattern for a strappy lace top...  or do I sew up the  black floral shorts cut out on the pile waiting, after all my machine is threaded up with black thread, all because I was persuaded by my son to attach more patches to his rocker, heavy metal jacket .... Boy did I swear, its no mean feat, shoving a huge heavy denim coat around and under the foot,  ( he's a big lad 6ft 3") the pins got me I bled.! and the needle was bending frantically, but I suppose so much better than the hand sewing I did on my own jacket back in the day... the only trouble is he'll want even more adding as there's still room

He did try to do it himself, but I came rushing in when I heard a thud and a clunk. I had visions of broken bits and bust needles, but it was just stuck on a thick bit, Thank Goodness.

He gratefully handed the task back to me.. I think I scared him the speed I dashed in from the kitchen.

I think I need to add using a sewing machine to his list of accomplishments, after all hes a dab hand at winding wool and knitting scarves. but finding time and patience to show a 23 year old how to use a machine in between his own Uni course just to sew a few patches on might cause more than a few grey hairs.. perhaps its not worth it... we'll see... so now I think its time for another coffee. drag my butt upstairs and get  showered & dressed... yes the joys of working from home often mean I get distracted and stuck in  I then look around and find its lunch time I've not eaten nor got out of my PJ's ... Welcome to My World!..lets see if Mondays can be as productive as Sundays



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