Merry Christmas everyone, our order books are closed until the new year. There's lots of lovely ready made items for you to buy, so spend, spend, spend. On books, candles and knitwear have a wonderful Christmas every one and thanks for your support.

Mists of mellow fruitfulness

All of a sudden I feel it... The need to start knitting, its like some primordial calling. Is it the light that changes, the chill mornings that are creeping up on us, the falling leaves that are just turning gold. I don't know what it is, but just a few weeks ago I was busy basking in the sun and creating crop tops and rompers now all I want to do is make socks and woolly cardigans jumpers and hats, I've always felt like this, even when I was young, the urge to go berry picking  and turn it into jam  was and is soo strong with me, and I think its something I've grown up with I can remember my grandma and grandpa harvesting raspberries all summer making jams and cordials, tonics and vinegar's then all of us tromping the fields and hedgerows for black berries for pies and the freezer, mum freezing the last of the beans and such, and making chutneys with the glut of tomatoes,  and I vaguely remember my dad making elderberry wine and blackberry wine.....The apples are all coming off Mums tree right now and we've contented ourselves with fresh apple juice but the urge for a crumble or two is getting ever stronger and the foraging itch is fierce.

I love this time of year, we get some sunny days still where we can doff off the cardigan and soak up a few rays, we get cooler nights where we feel justified in lighting the fire, we get misty mornings shrouding the world in a gossamer web and earthy woody days where we can feel the countryside sighing and getting ready to settle into a long winters sleep. we also get muddy squelchy sodden rains and gusty winds... which I don't mind too much as long as I'm not expected to be standing around getting cold and wet, those days are best observed from behind a double glazed window...

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, 
  Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless 
  With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees, 
  And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core; 
    To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells 
  With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees, 
Until they think warm days will never cease,
    For summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells.

So Back to the knitting.... what are my plans for this coming season, welllllllll I will get around to making the Ron and Harry Christmas jumpers, I will get round to socks, and mittens, traditional fair isle vests and jumpers, I want to make more cardigans, and so many other things.

My mind always starts buzzing at this time of year, of course we will continue with all the other bits we do, I've loved playing with beads again, making my beaded upcycled jackets and have lots more planned,

So what else have I been up to, well the office is tidy for one.. yeay.. I can get to stuff and see stuff and move around stuff, a neighbour came in and said "Oooh you've put everything in little boxes, nicely organised", "Well actually" I said, " its always been like that, You just couldn't see it for all the other stuff piled in front," so now this has become somewhat of a meeting room, its always the warmest room in the house, probably something to do with the computer and the tightly jammed boxes of yarn and shelving and such, its still chaotic, but this is more organised chaos and you can see the floor which the cat has taken to sunbathing on when the sun is out.


What am I up to right now, apart from eating gargantuan amounts of Victoria plums, I've just finished knitting a cardi for me, all very plain and simple, I've just finished another little short sleeved cable front sweater, I've one more sleeve of a variation ( the cables are on the sleeve of this one mainly because I forgot to put them down the front,) I'm planning more short sleeved jumpers for both little uns and biggies, with masculine colours too. and of course I have this little lot to sit and sew up. this will all be done while streaming copious films on the pc, watching Netflix and amazon and waiting for the new series of Lucifer and Ncis n such ahh I do love my life.

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